6th English Solutions ( Third Language)- Android mobile app

Notes By : Farida Begum .K. Makandar


               our efforts to digitalize educational content have been well-liked by many teachers and students. And now through this app, 6th standard Third language English notes ( Karnataka Syllabus ) have been digitalized. I am very thankful to Farida Begum. K.Makandar       ( Govt. U.G.H.P.S Talikoti, Vijapur ) for preparing solved notes for this app, which includes all exercise solutions. Thank you, May Allah bless her, and bestow upon her prosperous, Amen

               Thanks to all of you who helped in making our work accessible to the students. May Allah bless you all. Ameen

               Subscribe to our YouTube Channel “Study Manzil” to encourage us to do more creative work, and to get notified about our new apps and educational content.

Thanking you

Syed Rasool


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